
Weekly Update #41

Things that happened this week

- More work on SiennaLend front end with UX improvements and further testing.

- Support for reward tokens other than SIENNA deployed on testnet.

- SiennaLend rewards testnet will be deployed in the next coming days.

- Rewards for LP stkd-SCRT / SSCRT and LP-SIENNA-ALTER coming in the next few days.

- Rewards for LP SIENNA / stkd-SCRT coming in the next few days.

- Router for SiennaSwap deployed on testnet.

- Governance deployed on testnet.

- More work on integrating governance contracts in the front-end.

- SiennaLaunch (launchpad) nearing completion. Audit submission is expected this coming week.

- Major improvements to internal tooling allowing much faster deployments and testing of smart contracts.

- Agents of the Round Table community AMA with Sienna’s Community Manager.

- Secret Spaces on the Secret Network Twitter page with the Secret Foundation and Sienna contributors to discuss SiennaLend.

SiennaLend Launching April 29th

It was previously announced that SiennaLend will launch April 27th. However, there is a significant Secret Network upgrade (Shockwave Alpha) occurring on that day. In order to give all the nodes on the network time to complete the upgrade, SiennaLend will launch on April 29th.

Click here to read the initial SiennaLend launch announcement.

Secret Network’s Education Committee releases SiennaSwap guide

The Secret Network Education Committee published a comprehensive SiennaSwap user-guide. The guide covers all aspects of SiennaSwap and provides users with a step-by-step guide for using the platform. You can read the guide here:


What is Next?

Upcoming collaboration with Geeks Pics NFT:


Winners of the Sienna — CyberAgents NFT giveaway will be announced today:


- Marketing push for SiennaLend.

- Expanding partnerships within the IBC (Inter-Blockchain Communication Protocol) community.

- Exploring new partnerships with DeFi-specific dApps in the broader Cosmos ecosystem.