June 2021

Weekly Dev. Update #02

Here we go with weekly development update 2.

  • Tested the final testnet during this week and had to make some tweaks to the rewards contracts, which is now done and awaiting deployment on testnet tomorrow.
  • Expecting to receive final audit report from Certik mid next week for the tweaked rewards logic and tweaked AMM logic (mostly making it more easy to interact with via the frontend).
  • Deploying final rewards contract tomorrow with short claim interval to for final testing. If that goes well, deployment of the final testnet version with 24h claim interval will be done the same day.
  • If all testing goes well for the second final deployment, Sienna will set the final launch date for mainnet Monday or Tuesday in upcoming week (28th / 29th)
  • Expecting mainnet launch in the first week of July. Extremely close now.
  • Sienna Lend development is still going well and Paralink has said they will begin to develop the price oracles for Secret Network (the blockchain Sienna is built on) in July, so Sienna can utilize them.

Some community member asked for a screenshot teaser of SiennaSwap.

Here it is 👇