August 2021

Weekly Dev. Update #10

Here are the latest developments for Sienna.
As mentioned in the previous development update the pre report from Certik was received. Changes were submitted a few days after and now awaiting the final audit report for the final go before launch.
Expecting the final audit report in the coming week.

This week has been used to optimize the deploy scripts for testnet (making it faster and easier to test new deployments in the future across all contracts).

The final SiennaSwap version (as per final commit that Certik is currently reviewing) is expected to be deployed on testnet early next week to be tested with the front end.

After some front end tweaks and a few days testing with the front end a final launch date will be set — which should be very soon.

Here’s what else has been happening:

- More work on SiennaSwap 2.0 front end
- More work on SiennaLend
- More work on the secret product that will be a surprise when launched. A few features left to be implemented for the smart contracts, and then it’s ready for audit submission. All we can say now is that it will be great for the Secret ecosystem!

Getting close 🚀 Until next time!