
JUNO is now available on SiennaSwap

Sienna Network is happy to announce that sJUNO is now listed on SiennaSwap — the first time JUNO is made available for trading on a Secret Network DEX.

JUNO is a decentralized proof-of-stake, interoperable layer-1 blockchain that allows for cross-chain smart contracts. JUNO has a market-cap of slightly below $2B ($1.9B as of March 3, 2022). The JUNO community is one of the most active and engaged communities in the Cosmos ecosystem and the broader crypto world.

Users will be able to deposit native JUNO and wrap it into sJUNO using SiennaSwap’s IBC wrapping tool. Users will then be able to provide liquidity for the SIENNA-sJUNO pool and earn yield from trading fees.

How to Create a Viewing Key for sJUNO

Open your Keplr wallet, and select Secret Network from the network drop-down menu.

Click on the drop-down menu in the top left corner of the Keplr wallet extension, and select “Add Token”.

In the “Contract Address” field, type in the sJUNO contract address:

Click “Submit” and broadcast the transaction.

How to deposit native JUNO directly on SiennaSwap

Navigate to the “Wrap” page on the SiennaSwap app.

Using the “Wrap” drop-down menu, navigate to the “IBC” page and select “IBC Deposit”.

Select “JUNO” from the token list, then specify the amount you would like to deposit and broadcast the transaction by clicking the “Deposit” button.

How to wrap native JUNO into sJUNO directly on SiennaSwap

Using the “Wrap” drop-down menu. navigate to the “Wrap” page.

Click on “Wrap” and select the JUNO token and desired amount you would like to wrap into sJUNO.

Click the “Wrap” button and broadcast the transaction.

How to provide liquidity for the SIENNA-sJUNO pool

Navigate to “The Pool” page on the SiennaSwap app.

Find the “All Pairs” menu on the right side of “The Pool” page. Using the search bar in the “All Pairs” menu, search for the Sienna-sJUNO pair. You may also find the pair by scrolling all the way down.

Select the liquidity amount, approve token amounts (both SIENNA and sJUNO), and click provide.

What’s Next?

Stay tuned for more information regarding potential incentives for liquidity providers of the SIENNA-sJUNO pool.